Community Sunday Coffee
On the first Sunday of every month (October through June), parishioners gather in the Parish Hall after the 7: 30, 9, and 11 a.m. Masses for doughnuts, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and juice. This gathering offers a chance to enjoy fellowship and refreshments. Parish ministries and organizations are welcome to set up a table at the Coffee to inform parishioners of their activities. We encourage parishioners to volunteer to help staff the event. Teens may earn service hours through their participation.
Senior Citizen Activities
The Saint Peter’s Seniors Group meets every Wednesday in the Divine Mercy Room immediately after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. All seniors are invited to enjoy coffee and conversation.
Turkey Trot
Join us for our Turkey Trot to raise awareness of hunger and food insecurity. All profits will benefit S.O.M.E! Join parishioners of all ages on a Sunday in November.
Enjoy a 1-mile fun walk around Saint Peter's property with your family and fellow parishioners.
Christmas Bazaar and Breakfast With Saint Nick
Saint Peter’s Parish hosts a Christmas Bazaar each year, with homemade crafts, baked goods, raffles, a Secret Santa Shop, and children’s games. As part of the Bazaar, we host dinner with a Cash Bar and BINGO on Friday evening as well as a pancake and sausage breakfast on Saturday morning for children, their families, and other parishioners. Part of the Breakfast is an opportunity to visit with Saint Nick and to share Christmas dreams.
Our crafters work all year long to make beautiful Christmas gifts available for sale at the Bazaar. Other features of the Bazaar include a dinner on Friday evening, alternative giving to benefit the poor, baked goods, snacks, and raffles. Volunteers are always welcome!